Petrolia's Cenotaph

         With great pleasure here are some details of our magnificent Cenotaph in Victoria Park Petrolia.As you can see there is a drawing of the monument from ca.1925 that ended up being the final draft of what became one of the most beautiful Cenotaphs anywhere. However as you can plainly see our Cenotaph needs a good cleaning and some re grouting. This is under way, hopefully in the spring of 2012. 
There must have been a lot of pain and hurt still in the hearts of Petrolians on  Sept. 24th ca.1922 when this amazing memorial was unveiled my Major CO. Fairbank.  Plans and work on this great statue had begun only a short time after the Great War to end all wars had ended. This memorial commemorates the great sacrifice that so many men made for freedom.

The Cenotaph has been cleaned and here is the results.
click here



An interesting ca.1925  item showing a  drawing of the Cenotaph at Victoria Park Petrolia.

The Cenotaph today Nov 2011. For more on the Cenotaph go to the Military page 'click here'

Also click below for even more on the Petrolia Cenotaph at Lambton Archives great Site

For a short video of the Cenotaph 'click here'